Introducing Digescan™

Learn about Phileo's tool for measuring fibre digestion on farm!

Fibre digestibility is a key indicator of feed efficiency – an area of dairy farming with significant impacts on profitability, cow performance, and sustainability parameters like carbon footprint. However, recording and measuring this is traditionally difficult and expensive to do at farm level. 


To help our customers and farmers track this more easily, Phileo by Lesaffre created Digescan™, a tool designed to practically demonstrate and monitor feed efficiency at farm level. 


Digescan™ has two components: 

  1. Faecal sieve to separate fibre particle from other components of animal dung
  2. Phone App for managing and analysing data collected on farm over time



The remaining, undigested fibre particles are weighed regularly and recorded and stored in the Digescan™ Phone App, where results can be compared over time to reveal trends and track feed efficiency. An important tool for improving feed efficiency and fibre digestibility, the impact of Actisaf® can also be more easily and accurately monitored. 


A recent study published in Agricultural Sciences confirmed Digescan™ to be an effective and accurate tool for determining feed efficiency in dairy cows.


To learn more about Digescan™ and how it can be incorporated into your feed or farming business, please contact your Phileo UK & Ireland representative or our main office

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