Technical Information: Cows and Beef Cattle

We are proud of our products and their positive impact on livestock performance. As such, we want to share with you our scientific and technical data. Please browse through this section to examine up-to-date product information, trial results and research data to understand how our live yeast products could benefit the cows and beef cattle in your care.
Video: Managing calf rearing - from birth to weaning

Tips on managing calf rearing from James Ambrose, commercial and technical manager for Phileo Lesaffre Animal Care GB & Ireland.

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Get the best from silage this winter

Feeding cows through the winter is always a challenge and this year may be more difficult than some.

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Video: Maximising efficiency in finishing beef cattle

Tips on maximising efficiency in finishing beef cattle from Kevin Doyle, Technical Sales Manager (GB) for Phileo UK and Ireland.

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Beef finishing and Actisaf

Download our technical handbook on using Actisaf in beef finishing diets.

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Getting ready for winter

Avoid dips in production and fertility with a planned approach to the transition to autumn/winter diets…

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Finishing beef cattle

When margins are tight, do not ignore the benefit of a feed additive to your bottom line

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